showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Superchess  CP Software (Deep Thought Software)1984board game turn-based labelimageminimize
3-D Voicechess  CP Software (Deep Thought)1985board game labelimageminimize
Cyrus II Chess  Amsoft;CDS Software (Intelligent Chess Software)1985board game labelimageminimize
Masterchess  Amsoft;Mikro-Gen1985board game labelimageminimize
Colossus Chess 4  CDS Software1986board game labelimageminimize
Master Chess  Mastertronic1987board game labelimageminimize
GM Chess Camel Micros1988board game labelimageminimize
The Chessmaster 2000 The Software Toolworks;U.S. Gold (Gamart)1990board game labelimageminimize
Echecs Pour Trois Wizcat WCM1991board game labelimagesubject